Tanzania National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) conducts School Malaria Parasitological Survey (SMPS) every two years, the most recent survey was conducted in July, 2023. The survey involved about 800+ selected primary schools across the country, in which approximated 60,000 students were interviewed and some were tested for malaria. Following deployment of the Malaria Composite Management Information System (CMIS) which is a DHIS2 based system, NMCP wanted to use DHIS2 for collecting and managing data in the 2023 SMPS survey. Therefore, UDSM DHIS2 Lab proposed the use of Android DHIS2 Capture app as a tool for field data collection. Based on the analysis of the requirements, the UDSM DHIS2 lab designed and customised the SMPS tools in the CMIS system and made necessary configuration to enable the designed tools to be accessed in DHIS2 capture app for use.