The District Health Information Software Version 2 (DHIS2) facilitates the collection and analysis of routine health
data, to inform planning and decision making in the health sector. Majority of previous studies on DHIS2 have focused on social and political factors affecting the adoption of DHIS2 in different countries. However, the software engineering aspects of the DHIS2 have not been widely studied. Code review enables developers to review each other’s code to detect quality issues and share knowledge. Studies have investigated factors affecting the popularity of repositories in social coding websites like GitHub. However, as far as we know, no previous studies have investigated the impact that code reviews could have on the popularity of repositories on social coding websites. To make a start in filling this gap, we analysed 117 DHIS2 GitHub repositories to gather empirical evidence about the distribution of code reviews in these repositories, as well as the relationship between code review and the popularity of DHIS2 repositories on GitHub. We found the presence of minimal code review in DHIS2 repositories. Moreover, code review was generally found to affect the popularity of DHIS2 repositories on GitHub