Decentralizing User Support in DHIS2: A Case of HMIS in Tanzania
Background The Ministry of Health (MoH), Tanzania has been using District Health Information Software version 2 (DHIS2) as its national health management information system (HMIS) to collect routine health data for the services provided at healthcare facilities since 2010. The DHIS2 is a standard software used to manage the HMIS efficiently. Data is captured at […]
Digitizing Health facility Assessment and Star Rating in Tanzania: A mechanism for improving quality of healthcare provision for Universal Healthcare Coverage
Background: The Tanzanian government has introduced a star rating system to measure the performance of various health facilities (HFs) since 2015. The assessment process was manually conducted, where national assessors assessed individual health facilities manually and later digitized the responses to an excel template to compute facility rating stars. The assessors were then required to perform another […]
Integration and Interoperability with DHIS2: Enhancing Multi-sectoral Nutrition Information System in Tanzania.
Background: The Tanzania Food and Nutrition Centre (TFNC) is responsible for coordinating, guiding, and catalyzing nutrition responses. To make programming decisions better to address the causes and extent of malnutrition in Tanzania, TFNC has supported and enhanced the Nutrition Information System (NIS) to allow for improved data at all levels. The NIS comprises a series […]
Addressing Challenges of Hospital Management Information System (HoMIS) in Tanzania
Background: The University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) DHIS2 Lab provides continuous and sustainable technical support to the Ministry of Health and vertical programs on e-health systems in Tanzania. From year 2019 to 2020, the UDSM team participated in various activities to design, develop, and deploy two separate HoMIS, one of which is called AfyaCare, championed […]
Towards Integrated Child Protection Management through DHIS2: A case of District Case Monitoring System in Tanzania
Background: Child protection is the responsibility of every member of society, as it helps safeguard them from any harm they might encounter in their lives. The Ministry of Community Development, Gender, Women, and Special Groups (MoCDGWSG) in Tanzania, among other responsibilities, has the mandate to oversee adherence to child protection practices and set measures to […]
Utilizing DHIS2 Platform in Digital Transformation of Data-Driven WISN+POA tool for Sustainable Human Resource for Health Planning and Management.
Background: Tanzania faces a massive challenge of Human Resource supply and demand in a variety of sectors including health, education and so on. According to the Ministry of Health’s most recent data, there is a 48% shortfall of healthcare staff. Due to the current deficit, effective management of limited human resources is required to provide […]
Data Store Import/Export: A simplified application to support migration of custom-based configurations between DHIS2 instances.
Background: A flexible data model of DHIS2 platforms for years has allowed implementers and developers to customize DHIS2 to fit a variety of use cases. This has made DHIS2 an important central system for most developing countries. However, despite its flexible data model based mostly on data entry and analysis, there are some use cases […]