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DHIS2 -Electronic TB and Leprosy System


In collaboration with National TB and Leprosy Program (NTLP) , we implemented a case-based TB and leprosy electronic system in DHIS2 environment ( and integrated it with the National Health Portal to facilitate the collection of individual case data from all health facilities and analysis at all levels, thus strengthen the TB and Leprosy surveillance system. Electronic Case Based TB and Leprosy System is used to collect, store and analyze information on TB and leprosy patients. The system also monitors progress on treatment of TB and Leprosy patients from when registered throughout to treatment completion. The system contains two registers; eTB Register (created by merging TB, DR-TB and Laboratory register) and eLeprosy Register (merger of leprosy Unit register LEP 03 and POD register lep05) (DHIS2-ETL2 ). The registers have been merged to adapt the WHO DHIS2 and dashboards, integrating the legacy data into the DHIS2-ETL and updating the system to accommodate change in M&E tools as a result of new interventions in TB and leprosy control.

Impact & Output




Project Status

On Support

Implementation Year
