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ECD Dashboard in MVC-MIS


Early Childhood Development (ECD) dashboard resulted from collaboration efforts of Ministry of Community Development, Gender, Women, and Special Groups with her stakeholders from the key ECD Ministries and Agencies as well as Non-State Actors. UDSM DHIS2 Lab was contracted by UNICEF to develop ECD dashboard in the existing MVC-MIS, a DHIS2 platform system for reporting data of most vulnerable children aggregate data. Earlier Childhood Development (ECD) dashboard is an app that offers a user-friendly graphical interface to access and visualise the key selected ECD indicators in an interactive way. The ECD dashboard has been designed in such a way that it displays the performance of key selected ECD indicators based on five major ECD interventions areas which include Health, Nutrition, Early learning, Responsive caregiving and Safety and Security. In each of these areas a set of indicators have been selected to monitor the progress and implementation status of the ECD interventions in the country.

The ECD dashboard links the data captured from the various data reporting systems aimed at strengthening national and subnational ECD data availability and analysis and use, particularly for young children and women.

Impact & Output

The ECD dashboard gives opportunity for program and data managers at different levels to access and view the performance of the ECD indicators presented in the charts and tables for better planning and decision making.

Partners/ Stakeholders

Project Status

On Support

Implementation Year

